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Water Cycle

01/09/2013 13:24

the water cycle

the water cucle it´s composed form by 3 importan steps:(it is imposible to know exactly were thoose the cycle start)

  • evaporation: the sunleashes and the temperatur for the erath makes some of the water for the ocean,lakes and rivers evaporate(the plants transpirate),whith this im saying that the water changes their propieties,and whit the new characteristics formed the vapor.
  • condensation:the water vapor with other elements create clouds,when it is wind the clouds move in the way that the wind blow.and when the vapor gets to high the vapor starte to transformed again.
  • presipitation:this is the next step,when the vapor for the clouds are so high the temperature go down making the vapor more heavy and sometimes it gets liquid or it can by solid as the snow,when this occured it precipitate to the ground to this its know as rain or snowing.
  • filtration:when it rains the ground have the proieties to absorb a especific quantity of water and in some places exist subcaves that alacen water.

here you have a link to watch a diagram for the water cycle:



urban water cycle

01/09/2013 04:26

the urban water cycle

this is a important procces yo should know,this will help top understna all the process that water has to make potable

this cycle its composed by 



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